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Back to school with Dan Savage!

How to Be a Person book cover


Win – How to Be a Person, the new college guidebook by Dan Savage and the staff of The Stranger!

Covering such topics as “How to Put Your Parts In or On Another Person”, “Different Sexual Positions You Need to Try in College” and “How to Get Roofied and Still Have a Good Time”, How to Be a Person is the only handbook/life guide you need for post-secondary education.  And, along with Sasquatch Press, we’ve got a copy to give away to one lucky person (and you don’t even have to be a university student!).

To enter, simply follow us on Twitter at @TheSnipeNews and tweet “Enter to win back-to-school guide How to Be a Person by Dan Savage! Details: http://ow.ly/du6g0 courtesy @TheSnipeNews & @SasquatchBooks!”

You can also leave a comment below on what you wish you’d known going into university that you know now. This will count as two entries and double your chances of winning!

We’ll make the draw Sept 12 at noon PST.

Assembled by writers and editors at the Seattle weekly The Stranger, aka “Seattle’s only newspaper”, How to Be a Person features only one marquee name, sex-advice columnist Dan Savage, but plenty of other funny scribes. In fact, it may just be the first essential guide to university life since Animal House.

John Belushi in Animal House

Some random quotes:

“Always tip 20 percent when you eat in a restaurant, unless the server literally tells you to fuck off. Then you tip 10 percent.”

“Used habitually, any drug is habit-forming, and things you learn to do while high – study for exams, meet parents of boyfriends/girlfriends, survive the holidays – you’ll be tempted to do high for the rest of your life.”

“Unless you’re already a sanctioned record nerd, or well on your way, you may find yourself entrapped by some predictable progressions upon entering college. Some of the most common (boring) phases are: the Pink Floyd Phase, the Bob Dylan Phase, the Jimi Hendrix Phase (if it didn’t take in high school) or, god forbid, the Bob Marley Phase (resist the temptation to grow dreadlocks, especially if you are white.)”

The Stranger’s How to Be a Person page.

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