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Juvenile Hall

Bands With Cats


Your name: Sidne

Band affiliation: Juvenile Hall

Instruments: back up vocals and bass

Cats’ names: Monroe (orange kitty) and Alice (black kitty)

What’s your cat’s origin story?

I got Monroe from the pet store in Metrotown, she was the only orange kitty left. Nobody wanted her because she was the runt and her tail is kinked in half. It looks really weird now as an adult because half of her tail is fully grown and the other half is super tiny, its kind of like a hook. She also still has feeling in it and it moves! Their loss, she is a pretty amazing kitty.

I got Alice from VOKRA (Vancouver Orphan Kitten Rescue), she was a feral kitten and had a foster Dogmom! She was a super tiny cat that had a hernia.

What’s your cat having for dinner?

They get some soft food every evening cause I spoil the turds out of them.

What do you and your cat like to when you are getting prepped for a show?

We run laps around the apartment and top it off with an epic cuddle sesh.

Do you have any reason to suspect that your cats are hatching any schemes at the moment?

They are probably thinking of how to take each other out so that whichever cat is left will get all the cuddles.

Would your cat rather sleep in Courtney Love’s underwear drawer or on Patti Smith’s awards shelf?

Neither! If its not mine they aren’t interested. Besides my cats are more of a ‘sleep on top of the paper you’re currently drawing on’ kind of cats.

Sid's Monroe


bands with cats

Sid’s two kitties together.

old photo of sid and kitties

Your name: Krissy

Your gig: Juvenile Hall

Instruments: back up vocals and drums

Cat’s name: Pawl T. Cat

What’s your cat’s origin story?

Pawl was abandoned by hoarders who lived on the same street as Sadie’s aunt and uncle. They just left him. Kicked a hole in the door of the house so he could get in and out. One of their cats brought Pawl in one day and showed him where the food was. Sadie’s aunt and uncle tried to take him to the SPCA but he bolted. They grew fond of him, as he is extremely affectionate and so they took it upon themselves to find Pawl a home. Thank goodness for that!

What’s your cat having for dinner?

Tuna or fresh shrimp, with some dry food on the side, and fridge water in his bowl.

What do you and your cat like to when you are getting prepped for a show?

Pawl likes to adventure outside until the early evening when I wrangle him in. He’s prepping for his own show, strutting around the neighborhood like Mick Jagger

Do you have any reason to suspect that your cat is hatching any schemes at the moment?

The only scheme he’s hatching is to kill me with love so he can get more shrimp.

Would your cat rather sleep in Courtney Love’s underwear drawer or on Patti Smith’s awards shelf?

Underwear for sure. He’s a little perv.

Krissyphoto 1

Krissyphoto 2

Krissyphoto 3

Krissyphoto 4

Your name: Sadie O

Band affiliation: Juvenile Hall: Vocals, Guitar

Cat’s name: Witchy

What’s your cat’s origin story?

Witchy was born in Aldergrove. The runt of the litter born with natural eyeliner. She was a tiny tiny kitten when I got her. She was a firecracker and a heatseeker.

What’s your cat having for dinner?

She enjoys her regular crunchy cat food as well as the odd portion of tuna. It is also her preference to drink my water as opposed to her own.

What do you and your cat like to when you are getting prepped for a show?

Usually I am running around the house trying to get things together. She thinks this is a fun game of tag and we end up chasing each other around the house playing our own version of tag. She’ll smack me in the ankle and run for it.

Do you have any reason to suspect that your cat is hatching any schemes at the moment?

Oh yes, she was spying on the crows on the roof next door and now she is scratching at the door downstairs in hopes of escaping outside so she can eat the next door neighbours’ fancy garden grass.

Would your cat rather sleep in Courtney Love’s underwear drawer or on Patti Smith’s awards shelf?

She is partial to underwear drawers. So definitely Courtney Love’s underwear drawer.

sadie and witchy (2)

sadie and witchy (3)

sadie and witchy

You can seep in Juvi’s ultra babeliness and slick jams on their bandcamp page and Nov. 16 at Neptoon Records for the Fall Down Get Down Festival.

Juvenile Hall bands with cats

Juvenile Hall sans cats.

Previously, on Bands With Cats:

Tough Age



The Still Spirits


Sex With Strangers


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