Bob Wiseman premieres new album in Toronto
The songwriter unleashes Giulietta Masina at the Oscars Crying at the Tranzac, with guests, Jan 24 2012. Ariana Rock photos.
Kathryn McCaughey on NOBRO’s full-length debut, taxes and snake blood.
The songwriter unleashes Giulietta Masina at the Oscars Crying at the Tranzac, with guests, Jan 24 2012. Ariana Rock photos.
With the Jon and Roy Holiday Special Dec 21 2012. Kirk Chantraine photos.
At the Vogue Theatre, Nov 27 2012. Christopher Edmonstone photos
Montreal band at the Commodore Ballroom, Nov 1 2012. Christine Redmond photos.
Danish band at Venue Oct 25 2012. Kirk Chantraine photos.
T. Nile, Mike Edel, Dominique Fricot and Portage and Main Oct 18 2012. Christopher Edmonstone photos
Dear Rouge, Maurice and Facts. Christopher Edmonstone photos
Vancouver Aug 29 2012. Kirk Chantraine photos.
Winnipeg band on a West Coast tour. Robyn Hanson photos.
English trio end their 2012 North American tour in Vancouver. Christine Redmond photos.
The Voice contestant in Vancouver. Christine Redmond photos
Pink Floyd guy does The Wall big-time. Jade Dempsey photos.
The Berlin industrial metal band on tour for recent compilation Made In Germany.
Three Vancouver bands share the bill on a Wednesday night at Electric Owl.
Irish band plays the Orpheum Theatre in Vancouver. Christopher Edmonstone photos.