Lucent Dossier Experience at the Imperial Theatre
Aug 10 2017. Jason Martin photos.
Kathryn McCaughey on NOBRO’s full-length debut, taxes and snake blood.
At Centre of Gravity in Toronto, Oct 25 2014. Jess Desaulniers-Lea photos.
At the Vogue Theatre May 3. Photos by Jess Desaulniers-Lea.
At the Vogue Theatre, May 1. Cameron Brown photos.
Photos from the inaugural burlesque night by Jess Desaulniers-Lea.
And this time, it’s personal. An interview with SG co-founder Missy Suicide.
The Riddler, Wonder Woman and more drop by for some burlesque hijinks. Feb 8 2014. Kirk Chantraine photos.
The Geekender on The Wizard of Bras, an upcoming sequel to Star Wars: A Nude Hope & more.
Sept 1 2013. Jess Desaulniers-Lea photos.
With August Wiled, Voracious V, Carole Brunette and Ava Lure. Jess Desaulniers-Lea photos.
With guests Raven Virginia and Miyuki Divine July 12 2013. Kirk Chantraine photos.
Featuring Burgundy Brixx, Voracious V, Ruthie O’Dare and Nicky Ninedoors, June 7 2013. Jess Desaulniers-Lea photos.