The Enigmas reunion show at the WISE Hall
Jan. 11 2014. Preview by Katie Maki.
Kathryn McCaughey on NOBRO’s full-length debut, taxes and snake blood.
“He looked floppy, weird, and probably stupid. Key criteria in cat decisions for me.”
Coming Jan 21 2014 in support of Love’s Crushing Diamond.
“I got Benjamin from the SPCA in Edmonton in about 2005 or 2006. He was the friendliest kitty in the room!”
New video featuring proud nudists from Vancouver band.
Ria Nevada reviews solo Sonic Youth axe-man in Vancouver Dec 7 2013.
Vancouver experimental acts including White Poppy Dec. 6-8. Katie Maki preview.
Raleigh ends their Sun Grenades and Grenadine Skies tour in Vancouver. Preview by Katie Maki.
Tour stop scheduled for May 30 2014.
Likes his kibble with a side of mouse brains.