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Bill You Murray Me? art show opening night

Christina Chant photo

Artist Ola Volobuyeva, her life-size Bill Murray and Bill You Murray Me? curator Christina Chant at the FALL Gallery, Feb 18 2012. Robyn Hanson photo.

Photos – Bill Murray art show at the FALL Gallery, Vancouver, Feb 18 2012

– text by Shawn Conner/photos by Robyn Hanson

Last night saw the opening of the Bill Murray art show, Bill You Murray Me?

Featuring work by Vancouver artists and non-artists, the exhibit was already a rousing success shortly after doors opened at 7; the FALL Gallery was already becoming packed with art-appreciators, Murray fans and the artists themselves. In all, over 150 submissions came in, ranging from poetry to short stories to a boot to a life-size Steve Zissou mannequin.

Perhaps what was most surprising was how much really accomplished, great-looking pieces there were in the show. Much of the art was on sale, anywhere from $60 to $250.

Curator Christina Chant confirmed the work will be on display for at least two more weeks, possibly three. For July of this year, she’s planning a Spice Girls-themed show.

More photos from the opening night of the Bill Murray art show at the Fall Gallery:

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